Friday, April 19, 2024

Becoming better friends...

"Christ comes without a bell. 
God walks in silence. If we do not 
invite Him to stay with me, He goes."
Ven Fulton J Sheen, The Holy Hour Book

"The Sacramental Presence is related to Easter
Christ appeared only to those who knew Him 
in some way - to Magdalene, Peter, John, all the
disciples.  But He never appeared to Pilate, Herod, or 
Caiaphas.  The extra Presence is only for friends 
who want to become better friends."

Ven Fulton J Sheen 
Those Mysterious Priests

Commit to a Holy Hour once a week- 
or more!   A Friend is waiting there!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

A living smile...

 "A soul united to Jesus is a living smile 
that radiates Him and gives Him."
St Elizabeth of the Trinity (Letters from Carmel)

“He gives Himself to thee, 
not merely to look upon, but even 
to touch, to eat, and to receive within…
Consider at Whose table thou eatest.  
For we are fed with that which the angels view 
with trepidation and which they cannot 
contemplate without fear because of its splendor.  
We become one with Him; we become 
one body and one flesh with Christ.
St John Chrysostom

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Holy paradise within grasp!...

 "The altar reminds us of the remoteness in which 
He lives "beyond the altar," as we might say, 
meaning divine distance or "above the altar,"
 meaning divine loftiness, both to be understood 
of course not spatially, but spiritually." 
Romano Guardini

"Possessing this treasure of holy Mass,
hope breathes againand if we but 
throw it not away by our own mismanagement,
we have holy paradise within our grasp

Well may we, therefore, kiss our altars,
perfume them with incense and holy sweets;
and, what is more, honor them with the 
utmost reverence and awe, since through them 
there cometh so much good."

St Leonard of Port Maurice 
The Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Source of LIGHT and LOVE...

"I must become a great saint.  
My Jesus wants it." - St Bernadette

“The Eucharist 
bathes the tormented soul
in light and love.
Then the soul appreciates these words,
‘Come all you who are sick, 
I will restore your health.'" 

St Bernadette
France ~ 1844-1879
Lourdes visionary and nun
Feast Day - April 16*
*Some places - other places Feb 18

PHOTO: Amor Santo | Cathopic

Said of St Bernadette by a fellow Sister, Sr Dalias:
"The Holy Eucharist was the breath of her soul."

 A tiny tot of four inquired of St Bernadette,
"You have seen the Blessed Virgin, Sister. Was she beautiful?"
"So beautiful," she replied, "that once you have seen her,
you would willingly die to see her again."

St Bernadette, pray for us!

Monday, April 15, 2024

"I owe everything to it." ...

"Holy Communion gives me strength 
to suffer and fight." - St Faustina Kowalska

"All the good that is in me 
is due to Holy Communion.
I owe everything to it. I feel that this 
holy fire has transformed me 
completely." - St Faustina Kowalska

Photo credit: Anna Nass | Shutterstock